- Incarceration Services - Foster Care & Support

Operation Open Arms Incarceration program is designed for women who are being sentenced or serving time and need an option for placement of their children. Sometimes, women may not realize they have options, and as a result their children automatically enter states care. In other cases, women may turn to their family or friends for help, only to discover that it’s not a viable long-term option. Operation Open Arms is nationally accredited, and state licensed to provide foster homes, however, we operate privately and offer an alternative to the state system.
Upon intake, incarcerated women meet with a social worker to learn about services and assess whether Operation Open Arms is the right fit for their needs, and if we can provide the necessary support. Should both parties agree, we then proceed with the development of a transition plan, visitation/communication plan, and facilitating meetings with the case manager and foster family. This process can move quickly or take place over time, depending upon the situation.
Each mother is assigned a case manager who focuses on setting goals, such as increasing support and preserving the child parent bond. This case manager will continue working with the family throughout re-entry, reunification, and post-reunification. Additionally, a separate case manager is assigned to the child to oversee their needs and ensure they have a loving, nurturing, and stable home environment. The two case managers collaborate, providing a comprehensive team approach.
Re-entry into society is a challenging adjustment with many tasks to accomplish. Our goal is to offer additional support, making the transition to reunification a gradual process that allows mothers the time they need to achieve their goals, stabilize, and successfully reunify with their children. Once reunified we continue case management and support services including respite for a minimum of six months.